
Posts with Tag: FreeBSD

4 minutes, 21 seconds
How To Prevent FreeBSD's Base ntpd(8) From Binding To All Interfaces

For quite some time I have been using openntpd instead of FreeBSD's base ntpd(8), exclusively because of the latter's tendency to bind to all available interfaces and addresses, and its former inability to be configured in a way that it binds to specific IP address. Hhowever, it appears that from FreeBSD 11.1 onwards we can specify ntpd's listen IP address(es). The following article explains how to bind FreeBSD's base ntpd to single IPv4 address, and IPv4 loopback address.

1 minute, 13 seconds
How to Automatically Start XFCE4 Session After Login to Local Console in FreeBSD

Desktop environments on FreeBSD are usually started by some kind of display manager, such as GDM or KDM. This is specially true for "heavy" desktops such as GNOME or KDE, which are almost impossible to run without one. On the other side, "lighter" desktops such as Xfce run just fine without a display manager. Steps to start Xfce without login manager are described in FreeBSD Handbook, but they require user to log in and start X server manually. The following article describes how to start Xfce automatically immediately after user logs onto local console.

1 minute, 4 seconds
How to Automatically Log User Into Local Console on Boot in FreeBSD

Default FreeBSD installation will boot into command line login prompt, requiring users to log into the system before gaining access to the programs, which is usually done by typing username and password interactively. In some cases, however, we want to login certain user automatically on boot. Steps to accomplish this task are described in the following article.